Residential Electrical Service

Are you looking for an electrician you can trust to make honest and affordable repairs?
Do you need an electrician you can depend on in case of an emergency?
At some point or another, your home is going to require the expertise of an electrical contractor.
We at Zebra Electrical Services are here to provide you with the reliable home electrical service you are looking for.
Serving Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, and its surrounding communities, our 3 decades of experience mean that your home electric needs are in good hands.
You can trust that only a qualified, licensed, and insured electrician will be dispatched to your home.

New Installation Services

Electrical circuits for appliances
Ceiling fans
Light switches
AFCI and GFCI circuit breakers and outlets
Recessed lighting
Track lighting
Security cameras
Outdoor and home security lighting
Under-cabinet lighting
Electrical receptacles for electric cars
Whole house surge protection
Uninterrupted electrical power supplies for computer systems

Energy Improvement Services
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The Right Amount of Energy

Nullam dolor sem, varius eu luctus vitae, mattis id dolor. Proin ultricies feugiat ipsum. Quisque lobortis risus sapien, quis pulvinar turpis placerat ut. Vivamus eu egestas est, commodo ultricies turpis. Donec a consequat nisi, non pellentesque risus. Fusce lacinia sem a mollis tempus. Etiam in sapien non odio ornare iaculis vel vel enim. Sed velit urna, pharetra non quam nec, consequat hendrerit ex. Phasellus ac rutrum diam. Curabitur eget tincidunt sapien. Donec nec lacus at metus fringia viverra at bibendum purus.

  • Vivamus dignissim dolor ac ligula volutpat, ac laoreet erat vestibulum.

  • In at arcu condimentum, consequat risus dictum, ornare mauris.

  • In molestie mauris ut nunc sodales, non laoreet ante ultrices.

  • Sed molestie tortor et fermentum molestie etras.

  • Aliquam solitudin tortor accumsan nisi suscipit pellentesque.


Electrical Maintenance 94%
System Survey 88%
Time Management 97%


Week Days 7:00 – 5:00
Saturday 7:00 – 5:00
Sunday 7:00 – 1:00



Isn’t it about time you feel like a number one priority when working with an electrical contracting company? You are in good hands when you call us for your electrical challenges in either your home or commercial properties. Our team at Assurance Electrical Services is happy to work, servicing all of your electric needs. We are passionate about providing top-level customer service to each one of our valued customers. We want you to know that you are our top priority. We take our time to perform the electrical contracting services that you need and are happy to explain all that we do along the way.


Do you need help with electrical service or maintenance? Fill out this form to get in touch.

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7:00am – 6:00pm






9:00am – 6:00pm